Run for Office

Lillian’s List is dedicated to building a strong pipeline of progressive women leaders, ensuring they have the skills, resources, and support to run, win, and lead at every level of government.

Prospective Candidates

Are you a progressive, pro-choice woman ready to create change in your community? Whether you’re just exploring a run for office or already in the midst of your campaign, we’re here to help. Lillian’s List provides expert guidance, comprehensive training, strategic resources, and financial support to select candidates.

Candidate Support

We provide 360 degree support for our featured candidates. Learn more about our endorsement and financial support process below.

Candidate Testimonials

Sen. Sydney Batch

"I would not have run if it wasn't for Lillian's List. They convinced me I could do it and were with me every step of the way. Not only were they my largest donor, but they gave me and my campaign manager technical and emotional support on those tough dates when we really needed it. I couldn't have done it without them."

Rep. Ashton Clemmons

"I can honestly say that women throughout our state, including me, ran for office -- and won -- due to the work of Lillian's List and its members."

Rep. Vernetta Alston

"Lillian's List is unparalleled as a resource for its candidates. From the moment I decided to run in 2020, Lillian's List staff were available to talk about the structure of my campaign. . . . They expanded my network and introduced me to . . . other women candidates. Regardless of the outcome of any of our elections, that network is empowering."